Friday, December 31, 2010
Farewell 2010 and Hello 2011!!!
I hope that everyone has achieved something in 2010.. well based on the pass azam baru ..
and don't forget to list down what you want to achieve in 2011! Baby steps.... jot it down and make sure it'll materialise.
I achieved one major achievements in 2010 - Being promoted to a senior management - Hah .. a Deputy Director to boot! Well it comes with great responsibility and Alhamdulillah I have managed to overcome obstacles to get where I am today.
I also made a promise to make sure that Naureen will be able to read in Bahasa Melayu by end of 2010. Well .. Alhamdulillah.. not only is she able to read and write in the Malay language.. she can also read in English.. and able to converse fluently with her father who can't converse in Malay! :-) .. Not forgetting .. I have also taught Naureen the letter of the Quran .. not Jawi ya... again Alhamdullillah she has started Iqra Book 1.
Like I said .. baby steps ... what you want .. you will get .. InsyaAllah ... make doa` and also work hard to achieve it!
To my husband who is in Al-Jubail... Happy New Year ... come home soon ... We wish its February 2011 already la :-))))
Loads of love
Monday, December 6, 2010
Homst Muslim Chinese Cuisine
to view the variety menus go to
There are various chinese muslim restaurants that has popped up like mushroom around Kuala Lumpur. We really need to check whether its Halal or not. Some operates with Muslim workers whereas it is wholely owned by a non muslim and source of food is questionable. For chinese food - the owner are the ones operating it.. one is Homst(Yusof Abdullah is a chef) and another one Restoran Shahrin Low located in Gombak and Jalan Ampang.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Changes ...
Sometimes we need to change the way we do things so that workflows are improved.
Sometimes little changes can make a big difference.
So why can't we digest requests for improvements and then decide..instead of yapping nonsense!
In my opinion, it is a very foolish thing for a Head to just threw out our opinions that may improve your work.
Yesterday was a frustrating day for me...
Thursday, October 21, 2010
My Stick Family from
These are the members of my family. We call it the nucleus family but we do have an extended family and we all live in the same house. Its a very loud and hectic day if all of us are around!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Friday, May 7, 2010
Shocking news in The Star
Beware the child predators from UAE, says Emirates’ cops
DUBAI: Some Malaysian children are believed to have fallen prey to paedophiles from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) who surf the Internet looking for their victims.
A Dubai police spokesman told The Star that their intelligence revealed the acts of sexual abuse happened outside the UAE.
“The paedophiles cultivate friendships with children from countries like Malaysia. Later, they make trips to Kuala Lumpur under the pretext of coming here for a holiday before meeting up with the youngsters and sexually abusing them,” said the spokesman. The paedophiles use money to lure the children.
Based on previous cases, the modus operandi of these paedophiles were to target young Internet surfers from other countries; later enticing them with expensive gifts and cash if they agreed to escort the predators for holiday at the victims’ country of origin. In many cases, gullible parents allowed their children to follow the predators, after being besotted with the wealth and decent looks of these men.
The spokesman also said that UAE had last week entered into the Virtual Global Taskforce (VGT), a collaboration between law enforcers around the world to combat international networks of child predators.
He added the UAE’s VGT would be lead by a senior government official, who had directed for closer surveillance on those going online into Malaysian web hosts.
To all mothers out there ... be watchful of your children... don't let them run around unattended...and monitor what they surf or to whom they chatted with..These people are animals... and they call themselves muslims??? sickening ... just "bobbit" these people. Ingat lagi kes bobbit ni? aaa... manusia yg gila XXX ni mmg patut di bobbit and then sumbat anunya dalam mulut. Habis cerita!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
6 years and counting

a knowing smile crosses your face,
a simple touch can still make my heart race.
When I can see my soul in your eyes,
and you see your soul in mine we realize,
that a love so deep can harbor no lies,
where our only tears shed were happy tears we've cried.
I love you as much now as I ever did before,
if possible, I may even love you more,
all starting from a feeling we did not ignore,
a feeling of connection we chose to explore.
I don't know what it is that you saw in me,
what I saw in you was the utmost happiness
that can ever be,
even more so on the day when you and I
became "We",
I can still smile and say with love and
truth Honey, I love you...Happy Anniversary.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Kayaking Experience

Friday, March 26, 2010
Reading .. reading ... baca baca
Jadi emaknya malam sudah nekad supaya naureen mahir membaca dalam bahasa inggeris. Oh mmg speaking in english sudah fasih ...70% lah .. ada setengahnya dicampur aduk dgn bahasa melayu. Tetapi Reading masih kurang... to me .. I would rate her as less than 40%. Mula jam 8.00 pm tadi, Naureen pun ambil QDees Reading Book Number 1, mula mula penambahan vocabulary .. mengeja cat, hat dan mat .. kemudian mula membaca ...
Who is this
This is Ritty
Who is this
I am Ritty
Who is this
This is Alzy
Who is this
I am Alzy
Who is this
I am Naureen
Who is this
This is Whizzy
Who is this
This is Bubbly
Perkataan di atas di baca berulang ulang .. sehingga Naureen boleh kenal ... sebutan. Inilah caranya belajar bahasa inggeris.
Kalau Bahasa Melayu ... naureen sudah mahir dua suku kata .. tapi sukar mengingat suku kata pertama ...
sudah tahu mengeja .. GIGI, MATA, BUBU, MEJA, DADU, SUDU, PIPI, MAMA, ATUK, API, IKAN, SAYA, DADA .. kena selalu diulang supaya tidak lupa.
Kami ajar secara tradisional .. old school .. formula baru membaca pada kami (emak, anim and myself) rasakan tidak berkesan. Pelajar patut mengenal huruf terdahulu kemudian sebutan.. Zaman sekarang terbalik..itu yg terjadi masih ramai yang masuk Darjah satu tetapi tidak tahu membaca...
My target - end of 2010- naureen perlu mahir membaca dalam bahasa melayu.. end of 2011- mahir membaca dalam bahasa inggeris.
Sekolah ... nak hantar naureen ke sekolah mana? Abah kata .. boleh daftar dah .. sebab dah 5 tahun...
Emak sarankan hantar IIS ... abah tak kisah .. janji belajar agama. Saya pula suka SRK Taman Setiawangsa yang merupakan sekolah contoh Zon KL...ttp malas la pula nak hantar sekolah agama pula .. membebankan anak... Jadi saya mungkin ingin cuba masukkan Naureen ke Sekolah Al Amin di Gombak. Saya tanya rakan ... mereka kata nak masuk Darjah 1 di Al Amin bukan senang. Ada saringan ... pelajar perlu ambil ujian .. Bahasa Melayu, Bahasa Inggeris, Iqra dan Jawi. Selalunya daripada 200 penyertaan .. hanya separuh yang dapat masuk kerana kelas yg dibuka hanya 3. Mereka amat menjaga kualiti pelajar dan mengambil yang bagus sahaja. Saya termenung kejap... Naureen Insyaalahh .. bahasa tu OK. Hmm .. jawi baru belajar sampai Kho ... Iqra belum lagi .. baru belajar baca doa.
Ini belum lagi abah tanya bila nak masukkan Naureen ke kelas mengaji.... Aduhhh pening .. peninggg....
zaman sekarang tak macam dulu ... semua nak kena advance .. kasihan pula pada naureen.. kalau tak dibuat nanti ketinggalan.... aduhhh aduhhh
Monday, March 22, 2010
Happy as a honey bee..
Monday, March 8, 2010
*** New Phase of my life ****
Prior from receiving the good news, I submitted the application form to UTM and InsyaAllah, I'll be receiving the offer letter to attend Graduate School in April!!!
What would be my next step? Apply for study leave for 1 year.
hmm come December .. i will bid "sayonara" to everyone at ITD.
Sometimes I do feel a bit worried on whether i'll be able to pull it off? I mean it has been part of my career path to obtain a Master's degree and a PHd before I turn 40 but then its been ages since i stepped into a lecture hall. 9 Years to be exact ... will i pull it through??? Insyallah ... make dua for me people!
Excited to the core ..ME!
Friday, March 5, 2010
Monday, February 1, 2010
There's a new show in town - its GLEE!!!!!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Video Clip for 2010 - Anang's Separuh Jiwa Ku Pergi
Love the song .. love the lyrics ....
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Kereta RoSaK and other stuffs
mechanic from 7.00 pm until 8.30 pm.