Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Working Towards Excellence
Yesterday's training was great. We had a role-play session and my role was an angry mother enquiring on the whereabouts of her son who has been MIA for the past 3 weeks in the university. After that some of my friends said "Liza .. macam mak tiri ... takuttttt" he he he he. It was great ... i love every seconds of the training! In one session, we were told to blow a balloon and draw three separate sections. I have to write down my possitive attitude in one section, 2nd section my negative attitudes and lastly self improvement to minimise the negative attitudes. So after ponding for few minutes, I started to write down the positive side of myself. Agree or not ?? Comment le kalau rasa tak betul .. I can accept criticisim tapi jangan lah sampai menusuk kalbu he he he. Here goes .....
+ve attitude ::
- I am a good communicator and able to express my ideas clearly (hope so ...)
- I am considered friendly when I opened up to people ... You need to get to know me more than 2 days for me to more nicer and friendlier to you.BUT (ada but but tu...) If you screw up and buat nasty things to me ... I'll make you my number one enemy!Iyolah .. minta maaf dari hujung rambut sampai hujung kaki lepas tu buat lagi kan .. kan .. kan .. agak-agaknya siapa ye ;-)
- I love to learn. Doesn't matter whether it is technical or non-technical ... education is precious.
- I listen to people .. and when listening to grievances and complaints .. i try to listen to both parties and try not to assume bad things ... Or I would meet and ask'em straight rather than gossiping and backbiting. (This is a lesson learned...utk dijadikan iktibar)
- I love working with people and very affectionate to those who really understands me ..
- I am committed and dedicated to my work and do the best to my ability in accomplishing the task at hand.
-ve attitude::
- I am a very sensitive/upset easily when I hear people gossipping and telling lies behind my back. Then, I get very very angry .. and display my horrible horrible anger... satu office boleh dengar kita menjerit la kalau dah marah sangat. :-P
- When theres too many work and obligations, I tend to mismanage my work and become disorganise
- Then, I tend to forget things until the very last minute.. alas.. menggila-gila buat kerja supaya meet dateline
- I am also easily stressed when things come in one big pile with short datelines
- I think too much about what others think about myself
- I tend to procrastinate when I get bored or when theres too much work and I wouldn't know where to start off.
Self Improvement ::
- I have to be more proffesional when it comes to work and when dealing with difficult subordinates
- I have to take things easy and do it one at a time. Take time off ... and then start back.
- I need to prioritize my work and ensure datelines are kept.
- I need to update my logbook daily and frequently. I need to have a to do list ready for the next day and at the end of the day .. do a check list of the task that I have yet to complete.
- I must not dwell on matters and I should not think too much of what others think. I won't get anything or move forward if semuanya revolves on those people.
- Move On .. Move forward ... and be happy
Monday, November 14, 2005
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri II
Here is a studio pictures with the family that was taken during the 3rd day of Eid to share with all of you. My pumpkin is getting bigger by the day ....
Naureen is 4 1/2 months and counting. She looks a bit frightened as there were this old chinese guy with a tamburine making so much noise to attract her...
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri
Di sini saya ingin mengambil kesempatan mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri kepada semua yang mengenali diri ini. Maaf dipinta .. sekiranya ada salah dan silap.. halalkan makan dan minum kami sekeluarga. Insyallah kami sekeluarga akan beraya di KL sahaja. Mungkin tahun depan kami akan beraya di Kerala sekali lagi bersama keluarga di sana … persiapan dibuat ala kadar sahaja .. tak bermewah mewah nanti membazir pula. Selalunya kami akan beraya di rumah dulu and because emak is the eldest sister, her siblings will come to our house. Seronok la Naureen dapat duit raya dari nenek dan makcik dan pakciknya. Kemudian kami akan beraya ke rumah Maksu di setiawangsa and then to Aunty Bibah .. di Cheras. Mungkin kami akan ke Putrajaya .. menziarah Aunty Zam yang masih terlantar di Hospital Putrajaya…diharapkan kesihatannya bertambah pulih Insyallah. Selepas itu kami akan bergambar sakan la … studio mana ye nak pergi … kena tanya abah … maybe a week or two after Eid, kami akan adakan Aqiqah untuk Naureen. Rasa lambat sangat dah .. umur 4 bulan tapi tak laksanakan lagi aqiqah… tak elok asyik tangguh tangguh .. rezeki ada ni .. baik percepatkan .. kerling sikit pada arshad
Okay lah .. nak sambung kerja .. siapkan surat menyurat kepada users .. kemudian time-off bayar bill di Taman Sri Rampai..
Lastly, kepada rakan-rakan sekalian, pandu kereta tu biar cermat .. jangan bawa laju-laju nanti padah menimpa … Selamat Bercuti dan jumpa lagi pada 10hb Oktober 05.
Liza aka nj
Arshad aka cricket
Naureen aka bucuk cayang
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Lonely at the Top by Patricia Wallington
Congratulation! You have just been selected from among your team members to become the new CIO. A promotion is always exciting, but it comes with a challenge: how to get a good start as the new boss of your former colleagues. Don’t assume that your existing relationships with colleagues will continue as before. Some of them who also aspired to the position may be jealous. Former pals may no longer welcome you to their social gatherings. A resentful few may even try to sabotage you. Meanwhile, you may have to treat differently those who ermain your friends so that you don’t appear to be playing favourites. And you will have a new set of alliances to build among both former colleagues and the senior managers whose ranks you have joined.
::Passive-aggresive colleagues::
When you become the boss, your former peers will fall into one of four categories : leavers, testers, passive resisters and boosters. Leavers are those who, for a variety of reasons, won’t stick around. Let them go. Holding on to people who have already psychologically separated themselves from the organisation is, at best, a temporary victory. You will find it easier to rally the organisation behind you when those who are dissatisfied are gone. Testers are uncertain about your leadership. They will find ways to challenge your style of management and your expectations of your staff. Passive resisters will test your patience as they disagree with every idea. Even when they express agreement, they will often follow their own agenda anyway. Boosters are those who are happy to be working with you and they’ll tout your leadership to others. They are your allies because some connection you shared has created a positive relationship.
Redefine your relationships
Now that you’re in charge, you will need to balance the pull of the past with the requirements of the new job, which will call for you to play a bigger role in the operation of the company!
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Gurindam Jiwa
Anak Itik Tok Wi
Mandi Dalam Kolam
Sakit Apa Tok Wi
Sakit Sendi Tulang
Ubat Apa Tok Wi
Ubat Limau Lelah
Sakit Apa Tok Wi
Sakit Sendi Tulang
Pok Amai-Amai
Pok amai-amai
Belalang kupu-kupu
Tepuk biar pandai
Emak upah susu
Susu lemak manis
Santan kelapa muda
Adik jangan menangis
Emak ada kerja
There is a lot of ‘Lagu kanak-kanak’ in this site .. something that i’ve forgotten. My mom would bring us books on these songs and we would sing it together (I, Hanim and Azlan). Gosh that was like when we were toddlers. Now I’m a mother and I remembered searching for books and the internet for these songs. Alhamdullillah I found this site…. and it helped me alot as there is not many site that offers malay children songs. Would be mom and dad … or mom and dad who are trying to find suitable rhymes for their children do visit this site Lagu Kanak-Kanak & Dodoi Si Manja
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Blue Monday

Wednesday, October 12, 2005
What is colic? or the malays call it "kembung perut"
Colic has been attributed to many causes of underfeeding, overfeeding, allergy, constipation,
diarrhoea, too much wind in the bowels and many more.
Naureen was categorised by two doctors as a very very very colicky baby …. adusszzzz
but for nearly 4 months of her existance in this chaotic world, she had two extreem episode
of colic. The last episode was 2 days back. She was crying in pain for nearly 30 minutes… and
lastly went to a doctor in Klinik Mesra, setiawangsa where he administered a colic medicine orally and through the rectum. Poor pumpkin baby was crying like crazy… her face was red … I just hope this would be the last episode of colic in her lifetime as an infant.
Hugged her throughout the night and made sure Naureen had ample sleeping time. Grow up pumpkin and then you can tell mummy and daddy your discomforts … we love you!
Friday, June 10, 2005
Experience in ISETAN

Hola !
I really don’t know what to say. I’ve never blogged before. The first time I heard about blogging was in 2001, about an Iraqi blogger who writes about his experiences during the Coalition Invasion and how he told the world about what happened during the war. Then some of my friends started blogging but I think you really need discipline to actually blog all the time or atleast three of four times every forthnight..if not its just a bore. Anyways, thats it for today atleast … I just don’t know what to say or share. I have other things to do … especially the smartcard thingy.