Sunday, January 15, 2012

penat penat dan penat

Minggu ni teramat penat.. both the kids was down with flu... alhamdulillah my first born recovered after the 5th day of fever but my son had to be hospitalised on the 6th day... and now its the 8th day and his fever still fluctuating.

I am worried sick .. i cried a little while staying up with him in the hospital.. worrying about him.. was on leave from work for like dayss.. sorry boss!! My children comes first .. not you! As i blogged this .. ayman is laying beside me sleeping after taking his medication. he woked up just now ...calling me to lay down next to him and I said  I love you .. ayman .. Ayman loves mama? He responded .. sayang.... Kissed his small hands .. and he fell asleep.

Ya Allah .. berikan lah aku kekuatan untuk menjaga dan menguruskan anakku Ya Allah .. aku berdoa kepada Mu Ya.. Allah.." Jauhkanlah dia dari kesakitan, wahai Tuhan sekalian manusia, sembuhkanlah dia, dan engkaulah maha penyembuh yang tidak akan datang kesembuhan kecuali datang dariMu, kesembuhan dari jenis yang tidak akan kembali penyakitnya.

9.50 pm- 15/1/2012

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