Love the song .. love the lyrics ....
updates again ...
1) i am now "CARLESS" - volvo was sold at the car market in Shah Alam yesterday for RM 6K but my aunt said she'll give the Perdana for me to use. Hope I'll get it soon.
2) 15 Jan 2010 - I took a certification exam on ISMS Lead Auditor from IRCA, I'll get the result in 4 weeks time.
3) 14 Jan 2010 - attendes an interview for a scholarship. I hope I'll get it. The interview is short and precise. They asked why i wanted to pursue postgraduate studies .. what area of studies .. if by research ... what topic would i choose. If i get this .. i'll be enrolling at UTM 2010/2011, December Intake. Pray for me people!!!
4) Celeberated Abah's 63rd birthday on 18 Jan 2010
5) Ayman cuts his second tooth this month and he's 1 year and 1 month old. His first was in December 09'.
6) Celebrated Ayman's 1st birthday on 28 Dec 2009.